Finding Disability Assistance Programs in Katy, Texas

Are you searching for disability assistance programs in Katy, Texas? If so, you're in luck! There are a variety of community services and relief programs available to help those in need. From elderly services to behavioral health and intellectual or developmental disabilities, there are plenty of options to choose from. The 28 local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) centers have a contract with the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide people over 60 and their caregivers with the information they need to locate and access community services. Community Assistance Services (CAS) is a non-technical or specialized service that offers home care services to those who require help with personal care tasks.

This brochure covers many of the home and community supports and services available in Texas for people with disabilities and older adults. The Office of Social Services is devoted to serving the community by assisting low-to-moderate income families and individuals in need. Authorized Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS) centers provide day services to people living in the community as an alternative to living in a nursing home or other institution. The Office of Social Services provides case management services to low-income families and disabled adults to help them achieve greater self-sufficiency.

Community First Choice (CFC) provides certain services and supports to people living in the community who are enrolled in the Medicaid program and meet the CFC eligibility requirements. Medicaid managed care plans must have a visit from a member services coordinator within 30 days of enrollment in the program. The Medicaid Buy-In for Children with Disabilities Program (MDCP) provides services to support families caring for children who are medically dependent and encourages the transition of children from nursing homes to the community. The Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services is the center for awareness and education about problems and services for deaf and hard of hearing people in Texas.

The Harris County Department of Community Services is constantly working with local, federal, state, and other agencies to find funding for those who may have unique problems paying rent or mortgages. The Texas Home Living (TxHML) program provides selected essential services and supports to people with an intellectual disability or related condition who live in their own home or in their family's home. People who participate in STAR+PLUS receive Medicaid health care and home and community services and supports through the health plan of a managed care organization of their choice in their service delivery area. When individuals choose the Community Directed Services (CDS) option, they are required to use Financial Management Services (FMS) and can access a support consultation on the webpage about the summary of the in-person services available through the webpage on the CDS option. If you're looking for disability assistance programs in Katy, Texas, there are plenty of options available.

From elderly services to behavioral health, intellectual or developmental disabilities, there are plenty of resources available to help those in need. It's important to explore all your options so you can find the best fit for your needs.

Bob Dwan
Bob Dwan

Lifelong internet guru. General travel trailblazer. Friendly travel aficionado. Freelance travel buff. Certified twitter ninja.